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VENUE Act Would Curb Abuse of Patent Lawsuit Loophole

May 3, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. —­­ Today, TechFreedom joined several civil society groups in urging Senate Judiciary to support the VENUE Act, which would restrict venue shopping in...

Government needs to define and enforce patent property rights: Geoffrey Manne in The Daily Caller

May 23, 2014

The patent reform debate continues to rage on, with the US Senate now considering a bill targeting so-called “patent trolls.” TF’s Geoffrey Manne explains the...

Bush’s Commerce Secretary blasts NSA spying as hurting US IP owners worldwide

November 8, 2013

This morning, at the Chamber of Commerce’s Global IP Summit, Carlos Gutierrez warned that U.S. companies trying to enforce their copyrights, patents and trademarks in countries...