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TechFreedom & CEI Urge Congress to Defund Suspicionless NSA Surveillance

July 23, 2013

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives will consider the 2014 Department of Defense Appropriations Act (H.R. 2397). Among the proposed amendments is one offered by...

TechFreedom Joins Lawsuit Demanding Constitutional Protections against NSA Surveillance

July 16, 2013

Today, TechFreedom joined eighteen other civil society groups from across the political spectrum as plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the National Security Agency (NSA) for...

Coalition Demands Privacy Safeguards for Senate Cybersecurity Bill

June 25, 2013

TechFreedom has partnered with 37 companies and civil liberties organizations to send a letter to US Senators, urging them to protect Americans’ privacy when drafting...

The new politics of Silicon Valley: Revenge of the nerds

January 5, 2012

It was a dangerous year for innovation. Governments around the world became increasingly aware that digital technology could disrupt the political and economic status quo....