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FCC’s Win Portends More Litigation, Sweeping FCC Powers over Internet
WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, after two prior losses in court, the FCC finally convinced a court to bless its claims of vast authority over the...
If Netflix’s New Data-Use Tool Is Good, Why Ban ISPs from Offering the Same?
Double Standard Protects Netflix from Competition WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Netflix announced a new tool that will allow users to adjust the quality of the...
#56: FCC Intrigue, Netflix Throttling, and Zero-Rating (w/ FCC Comm’r Mike O’Rielly)
What’s the FCC been up to lately? Short answer: a lot. Luckily for us, a special guest, FCC Commissioner Mike O’Rielly, made time to join...
#53: Don’t F@*# With My Call of Duty
Is the FCC f***ing with your Call of Duty? Could strict net neutrality regulation make online video gaming worse? The FCC’s Title II reclassification of...
#51: Netflix Wins Hypo(crite) Award
Last week, Netflix copped to deliberately downgrading its video quality for AT&T and Verizon customers for the past five years — without telling anyone. While...