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Reports Show Netflix to Blame for Low Speeds

June 30, 2014

If you’ve ever had to deal with a Netflix video that buffers itself into a blurry, low-quality mess, you’ve probably wondered whom to blame. If...

Understanding Net(flix) Neutrality: Dressing Up Corporate Opportunism as Net Neutrality

June 25, 2014

Netflix recently cut a deal with Comcast to streamline their content delivery to Comcast’s customers. This is nothing new or special, as big content providers...

Democrats Tell FCC Not to Regulate Broadband as a Utility — back in 1998

June 20, 2014

Today, some Democrats are urging the FCC to regulate broadband as a public utility. But back in 1998, Democratic Senators John Kerry and Ron Wyden...

We tell LA Times and The Verge: FCC Lacks Authority to Ban Paid Prioritization

June 19, 2014

The movement to ban paid prioritization has a new approach: order the FCC to do things it lacks the authority to do. Senator Pat Leahy,...

Berin Szoka explains the libertarian approach to Net Neutrality on the Tom Woods Show

June 8, 2014

Tom Woods addressed Net Neutrality on the latest episode of his podcast The Tom Woods Show, talking with TF’s Berin Szoka about the legal and technical...

Transparency rule would be unprecedented, middle ground possible: Berin Szoka in Comm Daily

June 6, 2014

The latest punches in the fight over Net Neutrality regulations have been between Netflix and Verizon — the video streaming giant claims Verizon’s network is...