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Downes Statement on Wyden/Issa “Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade” (OPEN) Act

December 8, 2011

Today, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) introduced the “ Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act ” (OPEN) as a...

Szoka Statement on Facebook FTC Privacy Settlement

November 29, 2011

The following statement can be attributed to Berin Szoka , President of TechFreedom, regarding Facebook’s settlement with the Federal Trade Commission of complaints over changes...

TechFreedom’s Latest: Against Pacifica, SOPA, Emergency Alert System, Antitrust & Social Media, Privacy & Free Speech

November 18, 2011

Our Amicus Brief Asking Supreme Court to End to FCC’s TV Censorship In an amicus brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in FCC v....

Downes Statement on Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) Hearing

November 16, 2011

Today, the House Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on the Stop Online Piracy Act (H.R. 3261), also called the Enforcing and Protecting American Rights Against...

TechFreedom Joins Coalition Letter Expressing Concerns about SOPA

November 15, 2011

TechFreedom joined a diverse array of thirteen public interest groups in a coalition letter expressing concerns about H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)....

Diverse Tech Groups Call for an End to FCC Censorship

November 14, 2011

Five philosophically diverse tech policy organizations have called for an end to the FCC’s censorship of television broadcasting as a violation of the First Amendment....