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Obama Escalates Crackdown on the Open Internet

February 27, 2015

Today, the Obama Administration proposed new legislation to dictate how American companies use data to provide services. “Yesterday, many in Silicon Valley cheered the FCC’s...

FCC Votes Are a Hollow Victory for a Radical Fringe

February 26, 2015

Today, the FCC voted to impose Title II regulation on the Internet and preempt state laws restricting the expansion of municipal broadband networks. To hear...

New Poll Debunks Public Support for Making the Internet a ‘Public Utility’

February 19, 2015

Today, the Progressive Policy Institute released the results of a poll conducted by Hart Research Associates, a highly regarded, Democratic polling company, summarized as follows:...

Wheeler Ensures FCC Will Lose in Court (Again) on Net Neutrality

February 4, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler outlined (Wired op-ed, FCC “Fact Sheet”) the Open Internet Order he’ll share with other Commissioners tomorrow, which...

Space Property Rights, the Next Frontier in Bipartisan Legislation?

February 4, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, Reuters broke the news that the Federal Aviation Administration’s Office of Commercial Space (FAA/AST) had taken a first step toward approving...

FCC Cynically Downplaying Broadband Deployment to Justify Regulatory Powergrabs

January 29, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, for the fourth time since 2010, the FCC voted to issue an annual Broadband Deployment Report claiming that U.S. broadband deployment...