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Josh Wright Blasts FTC’s Internet of Things Report

January 26, 2015

Commissioner Wright has objected before that the FTC doesn’t take cost-benefit analysis seriously. He levels much the same criticism at the FTC’s new Internet of...

Serious Cost-Benefit Analysis on Privacy

January 26, 2015

Cost-benefit analysis is supposed to be at the heart of the FTC’s unfairness powers. But the FTC doesn’t really bother with CBA in privacy cases,...

Defend Uber! The FTC Jumps Into the Fray — On the Side of Disruptive Competition

September 8, 2013

FTC Commissioner Josh Wright, a former TechFreedom Adjunct Fellow, blasted the D.C. Taxicab Commission’s proposal to protect the taxi oligopoly from Uber, Lyft, Hailo and...