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Title II Supporters in Retreat: Broadband Not a Utility?

March 25, 2015

Proponents of heavy-handed Internet regulation (under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act) have long compared broadband service to public utilities, such as water, electricity,...

FCC Process and Transparency Still Matter

March 16, 2015

Now that the FCC has released its new reclassification order, it is worth remembering past complaints about the FCC’s transparency and process problems. Their relevance...

Closer to common ground on net neutrality

May 1, 2014

We may still disagree in some particulars, but a recent Huffington Post oped by former FCC officials Kevin Werbach and Phil Weisner (supporters of net...

Sprint acquiring T-Mobile runs risk of “regulatory contagion,” says TF’s Jon Henke

March 11, 2014

Sprint, America’s #3 wireless provider, is attempting to buy T-Mobile, the industry’s fourth-largest player. It’s unclear if regulators will approve the deal, but they’re certainly...

“This Week in Law” talks Net neutrality and the Comcast-TWC merger with TF’s Szoka and Henke

March 3, 2014

Friday, TF’s Berin Szoka and Jon Henke appeared on This Week in Law to talk about the Comcast-Netflix deal, Net neutrality, whether parodied logos violate...

Broadband Cost and Speed: It’s complicated

October 28, 2013

The discussion at Reddit over the new New America Foundation broadband cost study is interesting. A great deal of the discussion seems to be about...