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Reports Show Netflix to Blame for Low Speeds
If you’ve ever had to deal with a Netflix video that buffers itself into a blurry, low-quality mess, you’ve probably wondered whom to blame. If...
No, Title II Doesn’t Ban Prioritization OR Mandate Free Interconnection
Everyone in DC’s talking about reclassifying broadband as a public utility under Title II. We keep pointing out that this wouldn’t actually do what advocates...
Understanding Net(flix) Neutrality: Dressing Up Corporate Opportunism as Net Neutrality
Netflix recently cut a deal with Comcast to streamline their content delivery to Comcast’s customers. This is nothing new or special, as big content providers...
Rick Perry Supports States Rights — Except to Legalize Internet Gambling
Rick Perry has always claimed to be a supporter of states’ rights, federalism, the Tenth Amendment, etc. Yet he wants the federal government to bar...
We tell LA Times and The Verge: FCC Lacks Authority to Ban Paid Prioritization
The movement to ban paid prioritization has a new approach: order the FCC to do things it lacks the authority to do. Senator Pat Leahy,...
FCC needs real debate in rulemaking process: Berin Szoka in Comm Daily
The Federal Communications Commission’s Connect America Fund Order is stuck inside the agency, with the 5 commissioners debating edits that some say may change the...