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Federal Intrusion – Too Many Apps for That: TF’s Geoffrey Manne in WSJ

September 18, 2014

Who’s better suited to design an app store? Google, or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)? The answer seems obvious, but recent enforcement actions by the...

Section 706 Would Harm Edge Companies, Not Just ISPs: Berin Szoka in Comm Daily

August 27, 2014

Net Neutrality advocates claim they want the FCC to micromanage the Internet to prevent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from discriminating against their competitors’ content. Many...

The FCC Takes on the Spectrum Crunch: Tom Struble in Comm Daily

August 26, 2014

The demand for wireless broadband is outpacing the government’s ability to reallocate or repurpose spectrum for private sector use. This has led to a “spectrum...

Chinese Government OS Will Further Enable Suppression: Berin Szoka in the E-Commerce Times

August 26, 2014

The Chinese government is developing an operating system to supplant those of Google and Microsoft in the authoritarian nation, according to the state-controlled Xinhua news...

FTC Steps Up Meddling in User Experience Decisions, but Amazon Fights Back

July 4, 2014

Apple, Amazon, Samsung, Facebook, Google… they’re all constantly trying to outdo each other in offering users the best experience possible. Like old Dutch Master painters,...

AT&T-DirecTV Merger Would Increase Competition, Promote Broadband Deployment

June 30, 2014

The proposed AT&T-DirecTV merger would bring broadband to millions of homes in rural areas, lower costs for consumers, and promote competition with cable giants. CEOs...