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We Need More Google Fibers, not Government-run Internet

January 14, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, the White House released a white paper on “Community-Based Broadband Solutions,” which President Obama will speak about today as part of...

Next-Gen DSL Shatters “Cable Monopoly” Myth

December 23, 2014

FCC Should Reject Static Assumptions Behind Opposition to Comcast-Time Warner Cable Merger Today, TechFreedom filed reply comments on the petitions of Public Knowledge et al...

FCC Shouldn’t Encourage Government-Run Broadband

September 2, 2014

It’s Up to Congress & States to Make Private Deployment Easier Don’t try to preempt state laws regulating deployment of government-owned broadband networks, urged TechFreedom...

Preemption is Double-Edged Sword, warns Pai Chief of Staff

August 20, 2014

If the FCC can preempt state laws that restrict cities from spending taxpayer dollars building government-owned broadband networks, it can use the same power to...

Wheeler Stonewalls Congress on Muni Broadband Preemption

August 20, 2014

Can the FCC preempt state laws restricting taxpayer-funded municipal broadband without violating the Constitution? In June, sixty House Republicans posed this very question to FCC...

Congress Must Make Broadband Deployment Easier

July 3, 2014

Broadband is undoubtedly a critical tool for business development, education, and countless other facets of a modern society. So why isn’t Congress talking about making...