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Geoff Manne’s oral remarks for House Energy & Commerce Committee’s FTC hearing

February 28, 2014

The following is a transcription of Geoff Manne’s oral remarks before the House Energy & Commerce Committee: Chairman Terry, Ranking member Schakowsky, and members of...

Scholars, including TF’s Manne, call for FTC guidelines

February 28, 2014

At 9:30am ET today, TF’s Geoffrey Manne will testify at “The FTC at 100: Views from the Academic Experts” hearing before the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s...

TF’s Geoffrey Manne to Testify on FTC Reform

February 26, 2014

Friday, Geoffrey Manne, Executive Director of the International Center for Law & Economics and a TechFreedom Senior Fellow, will testify at “The FTC at 100:...

Comcast-TWC Deal Won’t Reduce Competition: Geoff Manne in the Global Post

February 14, 2014

With Comcast seeking to buy Time Warner Cable, making it the biggest provider of television and Internet connections in the country, some have expressed concerns...

FCC Has No Basis for Setting Arbitrary E-Rate Broadband Speed Goals

November 8, 2013

Today, TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics filed Reply Comments on the Federal Communications Commission’s proposal to modernize the E-Rate Program, created...

FTC must limit competition authority, Congressional Judiciary leadership urges

October 24, 2013

Senators Chuck Grassley and Mike Lee and Reps. Bob Goodlatte and Spencer Bachus just sent a strongly worded letter to FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez insisting...