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TechFreedom Comments on FTC Facial Recognition & Privacy Inquiry

February 1, 2012

TechFreedom filed the following comments ( PDF ) in the FTC’s inquiry about the privacy implications of facial recognition technology. The Federal Trade Commission plays...

TechFreedom Files Comments on FTC’s COPPA Rule Review

December 23, 2011

In comments ( PDF ) on the FTC’s  Review of the  rules  implementing the Children’s Online Privacy Act (COPPA), I urge the FTC to consider...

Some Much-Needed Antitrust Skepticism on Senate Letter Urging FTC Google Investigation

December 20, 2011

Back in September, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee held a hearing on “ The Power of Google: Serving Consumers or Threatening Competition? ” Given...

Szoka Statement on Facebook FTC Privacy Settlement

November 29, 2011

The following statement can be attributed to Berin Szoka , President of TechFreedom, regarding Facebook’s settlement with the Federal Trade Commission of complaints over changes...

FTC Punishes P2P Company for Unfairly Tricking Users to Share Private Data

October 11, 2011

While policymakers rush write new Net regulations to protect privacy, we  keep suggesting  the FTC use its existing authority more effectively to punish unfair and...

REMINDER: TechFreedom/FOSI COPPA Event in DC & Livestreamed Tomorrow (10/12)

October 11, 2011

Just a reminder—TechFreedom, in association with the Family Online Safety Institute  (FOSI), will host a free lunch panel tomorrow with a number of leading experts...