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FTC: Technology & Reform Conference Begins!

December 16, 2013

The FTC: Technology & Reform Project’s launch conference has begun! Not here in person? Check out C-SPAN’s coverage of the event (including FTC Commissioner Wright’s keynote address and our fireside chat with...

FTC: Technology & Reform Project Launches 12/16 with Conference keynoted by Commissioner Wright

December 10, 2013

As it begins its hundredth year, the FTC is increasingly becoming the Federal Technology Commission. The agency’s role in regulating data security, privacy, the Internet...

FTC must limit competition authority, Congressional Judiciary leadership urges

October 24, 2013

Senators Chuck Grassley and Mike Lee and Reps. Bob Goodlatte and Spencer Bachus just sent a strongly worded letter to FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez insisting...

Shutdown delays oral arguments in key data security case: FTC v. Wyndham

October 8, 2013

We recently noted that a Federal district court had finally set oral arguments on Wyndham Hotels’ motion to dismiss the FTC’s data security enforcement action....

Video: FTC Commissioner Ohlhausen on Protecting Consumers in the Digital Age

October 4, 2013

Before her stint as Federal Trade Commissioner, Maureen Ohlhausen oversaw the FTC’s Office of Policy Planning and helped to author the 2007 “FTC at 100”...

TechShutdown: How essential are the FCC & FTC, anyway?

September 30, 2013

With the government shutdown looming, it’s time to play DC’s new favorite game: Who’s an “essential” government employee? When it comes to tech, the two...