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Highlights from Net Neutrality Comments Filed by TechFreedom and ICLE

July 22, 2014

On Friday, TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) filed joint comments with the FCC, explaining why the FCC has no sound...

TechFreedom and ICLE File Joint Comments to FCC in Defense of a Free Internet

July 18, 2014

Today, TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) filed joint policy and legal comments with the FCC, explaining why the FCC has...

Net Neutrality Regulation is Bad for Consumers and Probably Illegal

July 16, 2014

TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics have filed joint legal and policy comments with the FCC, explaining why the FCC has no sound...

Congress Must Make Broadband Deployment Easier

July 3, 2014

Broadband is undoubtedly a critical tool for business development, education, and countless other facets of a modern society. So why isn’t Congress talking about making...

U.S. Mayors Call for Government Broadband, Extreme Regulation

July 2, 2014

Mayors want better broadband. But instead of making it easier for private companies like Google Fiber or Verizon FiOS to build broadband networks, they want...

Bipartisan Bill Would Free Up Wasted Government Spectrum

June 25, 2014

As demand for wireless data continues to grow exponentially, the federal government must free up underutilized spectrum for public and commercial use. A wireless network’s...