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Internet Slowdown? Not so fast.
On Wednesday, September 10, supporters of Title II regulation of the Internet will engage in an “Internet slowdown” to convince the public that, unless the...
The FCC’s Section 706 Power Grab is Dangerous, and Ignores Marketplace Realities
On Friday, TechFreedom filed comments on the FCC’s annual inquiry into whether broadband is being deployed in a “reasonable and timely” fashion under Section 706(b)...
FCC Shouldn’t Encourage Government-Run Broadband
It’s Up to Congress & States to Make Private Deployment Easier Don’t try to preempt state laws regulating deployment of government-owned broadband networks, urged TechFreedom...
Dear Chairman Wheeler, Don’t Break The Net!
Today, TechFreedom officially launched DontBreakThe.Net, a grassroots petition campaign urging the FCC not to impose 1930s-style utility regulation on the Internet. Subjecting broadband to Title...
Section 706 Would Harm Edge Companies, Not Just ISPs: Berin Szoka in Comm Daily
Net Neutrality advocates claim they want the FCC to micromanage the Internet to prevent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from discriminating against their competitors’ content. Many...
The FCC Takes on the Spectrum Crunch: Tom Struble in Comm Daily
The demand for wireless broadband is outpacing the government’s ability to reallocate or repurpose spectrum for private sector use. This has led to a “spectrum...