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#21: Broadband Deployment in America with FCC Comm’r Ajit Pai

February 11, 2016

Is broadband being deployed in a “reasonable and timely manner” in the United States? From 1998 on, the FCC always said yes. But in 2010,...

How the FCC Overruled State Municipal Broadband: Berin Szoka in WashingTech

February 9, 2016

In the ongoing effort to provide greater access to fast, affordable internet, many have looked to municipal broadband as the solution. However, these government-run broadband...

#18: 20 Years of Internet Regulation

February 8, 2016

The 1996 Telecom Act turned twenty today — and was obsolete even before the ink was dry. Congress has tried and failed to update it,...

20 Years Later: Congress Didn’t See the Internet Coming

February 8, 2016

Twenty years ago today, President Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996. John Podesta, his chief of staff immediately saw the problem: “Aside from hooking...

FCC’s War on Set-Top Boxes is Short-Sighted and a Costly Distraction

January 28, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced his plans to force pay-tv or multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs) to change their existing equipment...

FCC Reform Bill Would Shed Light on Opaque Process

November 17, 2015

Yesterday, the House, by a voice vote, approved legislation to make the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) more transparent, efficient, and accountable. Among other reforms, the...