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A Third Way on Muni Broadband
Governments Must Remove Barriers to Private Broadband Deployment TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) have proposed a “third way” on muni...
Federal Intrusion – Too Many Apps for That: TF’s Geoffrey Manne in WSJ
Who’s better suited to design an app store? Google, or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)? The answer seems obvious, but recent enforcement actions by the...
Congress Must Protect Our Data From Warrantless Searches
Have the Internet and the way we store data changed since 1986? Of course they have, but our laws haven’t kept pace with technological advancement,...
Title II Isn’t the Answer on Net Neutrality
TechFreedom and ICLE Urge FCC to Maintain Bipartisan Consensus Against Title II In reply comments on the FCC’s proposed Internet rules, TechFreedom and the International...
The FCC Must Reject the Title II Delusion
Coalition Urges FCC Chairman to Maintain Bipartisan Consensus Against Title II Today, a diverse coalition of web entrepreneurs, investors, telecom and antitrust experts, and policy...
The Truth Behind Title II
TechFreedom Releases Recording and Transcript of “Internet Slowdown” Reporter Briefing On Wednesday, September 10, supporters of Title II regulation of the Internet engaged in an...