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Protecting Email Privacy is First Step to Ending Unconstitutional Mass Surveillance

December 11, 2013

With only one day left for the White House petition to reform ECPA, TF President Berin Szoka took to RedState to illustrate just how important this fight is in...

Slashdot Interviews TF’s Berin Szoka About Online Privacy

December 6, 2013

Yesterday, TF President Berin Szoka appeared on to take questions about ECPA and other government policies that impact users’ online privacy. The lively conversation...

What’s So Bad About ECPA?

December 2, 2013

ECPA is the law that is supposed to protect your digital data from unreasonable search. What’s wrong with it? Tons. What does that mean? Your...

Google Transparency Report Reveals More Demands for Data, Less Judicial Oversight

November 15, 2013

Yesterday, Google released its Transparency Report confirming what we already assumed: the government is demanding more personal data and using fewer formal requests. Since 2009, requests for Google...

TechFreedom Joins Coalition to Reform ECPA

September 30, 2013

The Electronic Communications Privacy Act, or ECPA, is one of the Internet’s most outdated laws. It says hundreds of federal entities, including the IRS and...

Live now: We need a new privacy act to replace ECPA, argues Prof. Orin Kerr

September 30, 2013

Prof. Kerr is explaining his law review article “The Next Generation Privacy Act” at the Library of Congress. Kerr, the man who literally wrote the DOJ manual...