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#91: Democrats Divide on Uber

June 2, 2016

Tech policy has gotten scant attention in the 2016 election, but Uber and the sharing economy are starting to break through. While Trump hasn’t said...

#6: Democratic Debate

January 19, 2016

What did the Democratic candidates have to say about tech policy in the most recent debate? Not much, but that didn’t stop us from giving...

#3: SOTU Reaction & the Big Picture of Tech Policy

January 13, 2016

In Episode 2, we discussed what President Obama SHOULD have said in his State of the Union Address—In Episode #3 we examine what he ACTUALLY...

#2: State of the Union

January 12, 2016

What SHOULD President Obama say tonight in his final State of the Union address? And what is he likely to say instead? Berin Szoka offers...