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The Census’ Broken Privacy Promise
Jim Harper quotes Adam Marcus’s CNET piece and suggests the FTC would not recognize a “fascinating trove” exception if a private company were to release...
Szoka Cautions NTIA Privacy Multistakeholder Self-Regulatory Process
TechFreedom President Berin Szoka filed comments on the NTIA’s Multistakeholder Process to Develop Consumer Data Privacy Codes of Conduct . The following statement can be...
Congress Finally Appoints Ohlhausen to FTC, Much-Needed Voice of Restraint
Yesterday the Senate confirmed the nomination of a new FTC Commissioner, Maureen K. Ohlhausen, as well as the re-nomination of FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz. The...
Szoka Testimony at House Hearing on White House Privacy Proposal
TechFreedom President Berin Szoka testified at today’s hearing on the White House Privacy Report . The following statement can be attributed to Szoka: As valuable...
Blocking Verizon/SpectrumCo Deal Would Harm, not Help, Consumers
Yesterday, the International Center for Law and Economics and TechFreedom jointly filed comments [ pdf ] with the FCC on the Verizon SpectrumCo deal. In...
eBook Pricing Antitrust Suit Risks Harming Competition
Today, it was reported that the Justice Department plans to sue Apple and five of the largest publishers for allegedly colluding to raise prices on...