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A New Kingsbury Commitment: Universal Service through Competition?

December 9, 2013

Join TechFreedom on Thursday, December 19, the 100th anniversary of the Kingsbury Commitment, AT&T’s negotiated settlement of antitrust charges brought by the Department of Justice...

5 Rules for Antitrust in a High-Tech World

December 7, 2013

Former FTC chair Tim Muris nailed it back in 2010: Be wary of competitor complaints. When a competitor tells government that its rival acts unfairly,...

FTC must limit competition authority, Congressional Judiciary leadership urges

October 24, 2013

Senators Chuck Grassley and Mike Lee and Reps. Bob Goodlatte and Spencer Bachus just sent a strongly worded letter to FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez insisting...

Truthout Quotes Us on Net Neutrality

September 11, 2013

…in court, the FCC all but conceded that big internet providers could charge web companies for preferential “fast lanes” to reach consumers at higher speeds....

US News Quotes Us on Net Neutrality Case

September 10, 2013

TF’s Berin Szoka was quoted today in a US News & World Report article on yesterday’s oral arguments in Verizon v. FCC: Tech Freedom, a...

The Washington Post Quotes Us on Verizon v. FCC

September 10, 2013

Many critics like the current classification precisely because it ties the FCC’s hands. Berin Szoka, for example, heads the free-market group TechFreedom. He warns that reclassification would...