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E-Rate Reform Should Avoid Arbitrary Speed Goals, Urge TechFreedom & ICLE

September 18, 2013

TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics recently filed comments on modernizing the federal E-Rate Program, which helps fund telecommunications services for schools...

TechFreedom Hits the Airwaves

September 17, 2013

Tomorrow at 9am EST, Berin Szoka and Geoff Manne will appear on WCPN’s The Sound of Ideas to talk broadband. They’ll be joined by law...

Regulation is “the way we make innovation happen in America”

August 23, 2013

Said no one ever — except for Susan Crawford on NPR: Crawford: Well, just to respond to Adam, 83 percent of Americans who have a...

Another Democrat on the “False Promise of Municipal Broadband”

August 21, 2013

For the most part, municipally-built broadband networks have the economic chips stacked against them and, where tried, have saddled local taxpayers with a mountain of...

The Ten Most Important Questions for Obama’s Nominee to Chair FCC

June 18, 2013

Today, the Senate Commerce Committee will hold a hearing (at 2:30 EDT) on President Obama’s nomination of venture capitalist Tom Wheeler as FCC Chairman (hashtag:...

Genachowski Offered Hope, Delivered Little of the Change We Needed

March 22, 2013

Today, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced his intention to resign from the Federal Communications Commission, two days after Republican Commissioner Robert McDowell. The following statement...