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FTC’s Loss in AT&T Case May Create Privacy Vacuum

August 29, 2016

Decision May Embolden FCC but Only Congress Can Close Gap SAN FRANCISCO — Today, the Ninth Circuit tossed out the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) enforcement...

Verizon’s Yahoo Buyout Shows FCC Broadband Privacy Blunder

July 25, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. —­­ Today, Verizon announced that it has agreed to acquire Yahoo for $4.8 billion. Yahoo’s main benefit for Verizon would be as a...

FCC’s Broadband Privacy Rules Are Rushed, Unnecessary

July 7, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC — Yesterday, TechFreedom and the Competitive Enterprise Institute filed reply comments with the FCC urging the agency to reconsider its rushed attempt to...

All-Regulating-FCC Turns Eye to Privacy

March 10, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced his latest move to more heavily regulate the Internet — a fact sheet summarizing rules for...