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FCC Chairman Invokes Nuclear Option, Bypasses Commissioners on Key Decisions
Yesterday, the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau issued a new Wireless Competition Report and a Declaratory Ruling that effectively amends the FCC’s 2011 Data Roaming Order....
The Tax-and-Spend FCC: Today E-Rate, Tomorrow Title II?
WASHINGTON D.C. — FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler today proposed a plan that would increase the size of E-Rate subsidies for broadband for schools and libraries...
A Third Way on Muni Broadband
Governments Must Remove Barriers to Private Broadband Deployment TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) have proposed a “third way” on muni...
The FCC’s Section 706 Power Grab is Dangerous, and Ignores Marketplace Realities
On Friday, TechFreedom filed comments on the FCC’s annual inquiry into whether broadband is being deployed in a “reasonable and timely” fashion under Section 706(b)...
FCC Shouldn’t Encourage Government-Run Broadband
It’s Up to Congress & States to Make Private Deployment Easier Don’t try to preempt state laws regulating deployment of government-owned broadband networks, urged TechFreedom...
Comcast-TWC Merger Would Expand Broadband, Benefit the Underserved
Today, TechFreedom filed comments on the proposed merger of Comcast and Time Warner Cable. TechFreedom’s filing highlights how the merger would benefit consumers by promoting...