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FTC’s Big Data Report Offers Little Analysis, Zero Economics

January 6, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, the FTC reiterated its age-old formula: there are benefits, there are risks, and here are some recommendations on what we regard...

Obama Escalates Crackdown on the Open Internet

February 27, 2015

Today, the Obama Administration proposed new legislation to dictate how American companies use data to provide services. “Yesterday, many in Silicon Valley cheered the FCC’s...

FTC Big Data Workshop Missed the Mark

October 31, 2014

Today TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in response to the commission’s workshop, Big...

A Bold Proposal: Congress Must Establish a Commission to Audit America’s Privacy Laws

August 6, 2014

TechFreedom and ICLE File Joint Comments on the NTIA’s Inquiry into Big Data Yesterday, TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) filed...

“Big Data” Inquiry Should Study Economics & Free Speech: TF urges reform of blanket surveillance and FTC processes

April 1, 2014

Yesterday, TechFreedom submitted comments urging the White House to apply economic thinking to its inquiry into “Big Data,” also pointing out that the worst abuses...