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The Anti-Consumer Origins of Anti-Trust Law

September 28, 2014

Historian Jim Powell explains, in FDR’s Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression: Considering how passionately New Dealers condemned monop­olies, it’s curious...

Preemption is Double-Edged Sword, warns Pai Chief of Staff

August 20, 2014

If the FCC can preempt state laws that restrict cities from spending taxpayer dollars building government-owned broadband networks, it can use the same power to...

Wheeler Stonewalls Congress on Muni Broadband Preemption

August 20, 2014

Can the FCC preempt state laws restricting taxpayer-funded municipal broadband without violating the Constitution? In June, sixty House Republicans posed this very question to FCC...

Thanks, FTC, but We Don’t Need a National Nanny

July 24, 2014

“Just think about the children!” has always been the rallying cry of hyperactive regulators. Lately, the FTC claimed it was protecting children — well, actually,...

The Internet Defies Metaphors, so Let’s Stop Using Them for “Net Neutrality”

July 24, 2014

Is the Internet a highway? Should we “preserve” its “neutrality?” Should we regulate it like the phone system? Or electricity? Or railroads? “Net neutrality,” a...

FTC Steps Up Meddling in User Experience Decisions, but Amazon Fights Back

July 4, 2014

Apple, Amazon, Samsung, Facebook, Google… they’re all constantly trying to outdo each other in offering users the best experience possible. Like old Dutch Master painters,...