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How Long Should Americans Wait for Clarity on Digital Privacy?

January 14, 2015

President Obama doesn’t want to talk about surveillance—and is once again trying to change the subject to regulating the companies that have made the Internet...

It’s Hard to Take Democrats Seriously When They Keep Lying about Net Neutrality

January 9, 2015

The good news is that, after a flurry of letters from Democratic lawmakers calling on the FCC to invoke Title II, two leading Democrats, Senator...

TechFreedom Looks Back at 2014 — and Forward to 2015

January 6, 2015

2014 was a marquee year for tech policy, as debates over net neutrality, NSA surveillance, and other key issues took center stage in America’s political...

The Tax-and-Spend FCC: Today E-Rate, Tomorrow Title II?

November 17, 2014

WASHINGTON D.C. — FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler today proposed a plan that would increase the size of E-Rate subsidies for broadband for schools and libraries...

Obama Cynically Exploits Confusion over Title II, Misses Opportunity to Lead on Legislative Deal

November 10, 2014

WASHINGTON D.C. — This morning, President Obama called on the FCC to “reclassify” broadband under Title II of the Communications Act so it can ban...

Net Neutrality Debate Loses Focus: Title II Would Kill Broadband Competition

October 23, 2014

Behind the push for net neutrality lies an understandable frustration that there isn’t more broadband competition. Unfortunately, the net neutrality movement has been captured by...