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Space Property Rights, the Next Frontier in Bipartisan Legislation?

February 4, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, Reuters broke the news that the Federal Aviation Administration’s Office of Commercial Space (FAA/AST) had taken a first step toward approving...

FCC Cynically Downplaying Broadband Deployment to Justify Regulatory Powergrabs

January 29, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, for the fourth time since 2010, the FCC voted to issue an annual Broadband Deployment Report claiming that U.S. broadband deployment...

FTC Issues Stealth Regulations over Internet of Things

January 27, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, the FTC released a report recommending “best practices” around privacy and data security for the “Internet of Things” — connected smart...

Are Democrats Serious about Net Neutrality?

January 21, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, House and Senate Subcommittees held hearings on a Republican discussion draft for legislation to protect an Open Internet and FCC Chairman...

Congress Must Rein in the FCC on Internet Regulation

January 20, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, a diverse coalition of web entrepreneurs, investors, telecom and antitrust experts, and policy organizations urged lawmakers of both parties to take...

Obama Prefers Unilateral Fiat over Legislative Compromise on Net Neutrality

January 16, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, Sen. John Thune and Rep. Fred Upton released a discussion draft of legislation that would authorize the FCC to enforce net...