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Time for Congress to Cancel the FTC’s Section 5 Antitrust Blank Check

December 20, 2012

A debate is brewing in Congress over whether to allow the Federal Trade Commission to sidestep decades of antitrust case law and economic theory to...

Real Lawyers Read the Footnotes, but Cite Them only when Relevant: A Response to Harold Feld on the FCC SpectrumCo Order

September 14, 2012

“Real lawyers read the footnotes!”—thus did Harold Feld chastise Geoff and Berin in a recent blog post about our CNET piece on the Verizon/SpectrumCo transaction....

Szoka Testifies at Senate Privacy Self-Regulation Hearing

June 29, 2012

The debate thus far has systematically underestimated the benefits to consumers from the use of personal data to tailor advertising, develop new products, and conduct...

FTC Punishes P2P Company for Unfairly Tricking Users to Share Private Data

October 11, 2011

While policymakers rush write new Net regulations to protect privacy, we  keep suggesting  the FTC use its existing authority more effectively to punish unfair and...

Public Interest Groups Across Spectrum Oppose Net Neutrality Regulation

October 7, 2011

Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal’s story on the legal challenge to Net Neutrality regulation opens as follows: Efforts by public interest groups to get a legal...

Rep. Speier’s “Do Not Track” Privacy Legislation

February 11, 2011

Rep. Jackie Speier introduced legislation today that would require the Federal Trade Commission to establish standards for a “Do Not Track” mechanism and require online data...