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Defend Uber! The FTC Jumps Into the Fray — On the Side of Disruptive Competition

September 8, 2013

FTC Commissioner Josh Wright, a former TechFreedom Adjunct Fellow, blasted the D.C. Taxicab Commission’s proposal to protect the taxi oligopoly from Uber, Lyft, Hailo and...

NRA v. NSA: Gun Rights = Privacy Rights

September 5, 2013

It would be absurd to think that the Congress would adopt and maintain a web of statutes intended to protect against the creation of a...

Cameron Kerry Responds to NSA Concerns, Outlines Baseline Privacy Legislation

August 28, 2013

Cameron Kerry today blasted E.U. efforts to start a digital trade war using European outrage at NSA surveillance as a pretext.  In a speech given given today at...

Regulation is “the way we make innovation happen in America”

August 23, 2013

Said no one ever — except for Susan Crawford on NPR: Crawford: Well, just to respond to Adam, 83 percent of Americans who have a...

Regulations may not be getting smarter — but the UI is!

August 23, 2013

As you read through the text of regulatory orders on, a ribbon appears next to each paragraph, and expands into this handy pop-up: Among...

Tears for Tiers: Wyden’s “Data Cap” Restrictions Would Hurt, not Help, Internet Users

December 20, 2012

As Democrats insist that income taxes on the 1% must go up in the name of fairness, one Democratic Senator wants to make sure that...