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Washington Internet Daily considers how Wyndham ruling will affect FTC authority

March 10, 2014

The preliminary ruling in FTC v. Wyndham is expected to come out very soon, and all sides are paying close attention since the case (which...

“This Week in Law” talks Net neutrality and the Comcast-TWC merger with TF’s Szoka and Henke

March 3, 2014

Friday, TF’s Berin Szoka and Jon Henke appeared on This Week in Law to talk about the Comcast-Netflix deal, Net neutrality, whether parodied logos violate...

Overshadowed by NSA surveillance, ECPA reform still making progress

March 3, 2014

The mass surveillance of American citizens by the NSA has been the leading technology policy story for months, and rightly so. But there are other...

What’s the real problem: Net neutrality or Net capacity? Berin Szoka appears on Al Jazeera’s The Stream

February 28, 2014

Today, TF’s Berin Szoka was a guest on The Stream, Al Jazeera America’s Twitter-centric talk show. As the preview asked, “Why does your favorite cat video...

Critical breach verdict nears in FTC case: Berin Szoka discusses Wyndham case in Politico Pro

February 26, 2014

The ruling in Federal Trade Commission v. Wyndham is expected to come out in a matter of days, and Politico talked with TF’s Berin Szoka and...

FCC Grasps for Expanded Powers with Net Neutrality Push: Berin Szoka in The Hill

February 25, 2014

As the FCC moves to institute new Net neutrality rules to replace its regulations thrown out by the D.C. Circuit Court, many are beginning to...