Will the Real Internet Freedom Please Stand Up?
Sen. Rand Paul to Present Vision of Internet Freedom
Debates over Internet and telecom policy are increasingly being framed in terms of “Internet Freedom.” But what does this lofty concept really mean?
A vaguely worded Declaration of Internet Freedom was recently issued by a broad coalition, some of which are already using the document to push for increased regulation, such as net neutrality mandates. TechFreedom and the Competitive Enterprise Institute organized a counter-declaration signed by a coalition of free market groups and leading academics that shares much common ground, but emphasizes restraint, respect for the rule of law, and humility as guiding principles for policymakers approaching the Internet and digital markets.
Can these two visions be reconciled or are they fighting for very different goals? What is real Internet Freedom?
Please join TechFreedom , the Heritage Foundation and the Competitive Enterprise Institute to hear Sen. Rand Paul explain why “Internet Freedom” will be a signature cause for him in the coming years, and what that term should mean for conservatives, libertarians, and all those skeptical about government.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
9:30 a.m – 11:30 a.m.
Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002