On the weekend of October 26 — the 12th anniversary of the signing of the USA PATRIOT Act — thousands of people from across the political spectrum will unite in Washington, D.C. to rally against unconstitutional mass surveillance. Will you be there?

Organized by StopWatching.Us, a coalition of over 100 organizations and nearly 600,000 citizens working to bring transparency and accountability to the many US spying programs, the event will include a day of citizen lobbying on October 25 and a historic rally and petition delivery on October 26.

Here’s how you can help:

  • RSVP for the rally, and spread the word! If you’re far from D.C., no worries — there will be viewing parties across the country.
  • Take your involvement to the next level and join the lobby day! Since it includes grassroots training and assistance scheduling meetings with your Congressmen, we have a separate RSVP here.
  • Volunteer to help make the rally a success! We need passionate folks to host viewing parties, organize transportation, and remind those who RSVP as the rally approaches.
  • You can also help from afar by donating to the rally’s Indiegogo campaign, which includes great perks like Eyecon t-shirts and hoodies. If we beat our goal, we’ll use the extra money to bus in activists from the surrounding area.

With your help, we’ve come within a few votes of reigning in the NSA with the Amash Amendment, and kept government mass surveillance at the top of the national debate. Join us this October to build on this momentum and demand an end to unconstitutional surveillance!
