WASHINGTON, D.C. — Last week, TechFreedom joined nearly 30 other civil liberties advocacy groups in calling upon both the House and Senate Committees on Armed Forces to support legislation that would protect military whistleblowers from retaliatory actions.

Emphasizing the importance of safeguarding whistleblowers within the military, the coalition urges Congress to pass legislation that shifts the burden from servicemembers to agencies during situations of reprisal.

The letter reads:

In military reprisal cases, servicemembers must prove retaliation was illegal; in civilian cases, the agency must prove retaliation was not illegal. Burdens are greater for military personnel than for civilians. Consequently, the Department of Defense and Service Inspectors General are unable to substantiate the vast majority of allegations they receive.

The letter endorses the creation of several crucially needed support systems and reforms to strengthen military whistleblowers’ rights. One includes the development and implementation of a procedural educational curriculum for investigators of alleged whistleblower reprisals. Another is a provision that ensures servicemembers with necessary legal assistance throughout the investigation process. These changes will facilitate a culture that encourages military personnel to safely and accurately report legal violations.

