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#16: Internet in Africa

February 5, 2016

With the success of the Internet in the United States, it’s easy to forget that 4 billion people around the world still lack access, including...

#17: E-Cigarettes

February 5, 2016

The swift rise of vaping has given many smokers a safer alternative to tobacco products, but regulations and taxes could slow this growth — or...

#15: Email Privacy

February 3, 2016

How private are your emails? The answer may surprise you, as the law that governs much of our electronic privacy was written in 1986! It’s...

EU-US Privacy Shield: A Farce in Three Acts

February 3, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, the European Commission announced that it had negotiated a new “Privacy Shield” to allow American companies to provide Internet services to...

#14: Internet Taxes

February 2, 2016

Ever since 1998, Congress has banned state and local governments from taxing Internet access. The Internet Tax Freedom Act has been renewed six times, and...

Congress Must Protect Online Speech from Frivolous Lawsuits

February 2, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, TechFreedom and a coalition of free-market groups urged Congress to protect Americans against malicious or frivolous litigation that threatens to stifle...