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Bipartisan Digital Security Commission Is Only Way to Avoid PATRIOT-Style Legislative Panic

February 29, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. —­­ Today, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) introduced legislation to create a blue ribbon commission that would examine the...

#31: EU Digital Single Market: The View from Milan

February 26, 2016

When it comes to tech startups and innovation, the European Union has largely lagged behind the United States and China. In an effort to reverse...

Title II Anniversary: A Lesson In Unintended Consequences

February 26, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. —­­ Today marks the one year anniversary of the Federal Communications Commission’s vote to enact the Open Internet Order, which reclassified broadband under...

#30: “Net Neutrality” (Ahem, Title II) Progress Report

February 25, 2016

This time last year, the FCC voted 3-2 to reclassify broadband under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act, utility rules designed for railroads and...

#29: Bitcoin is Unleashing Economies

February 24, 2016

Bitcoin, a once-geeky novelty, has grown into a legitimate currency that disrupts financial markets — especially in the developing world. Bitcoin can be an alternative...

#28: Space Law (Part 2) Property Rights in Space

February 23, 2016

Can you own part of space? Or stuff you find there? In Part II of our Space Law series, TF Adjunct Fellow Jim Dunstan and...