Recent Posts

#45: Sex Trafficking and the Internet

March 18, 2016

Backpage, the second largest classified ads website after Craigslist, has been embroiled in controversy and legal battles over allegations that its “adult” section facilitates sex...

#44: A Lifeline for Broadband

March 17, 2016

Ever notice those fees on your cell phone or landline telephone bill? The FCC collects them to fund programs like Lifeline, which subsidizes communications service...

#43: Drone Safety

March 15, 2016

Do toy drones endanger the national airspace? The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seems to think so. Right before Christmas, the FAA rushed through rules requiring...

3/17 Briefing: Does FCC Power Trump State Broadband Laws?

March 15, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. — The FCC’s claim of authority to preempt state broadband laws goes on trial. On Thursday, March 17, the Sixth Circuit will hear...

#42: Broadband Privacy

March 14, 2016

The FCC is set to issue new regulations on how Internet access providers collect and use consumer data. On Thursday, March 11, the agency released...

#41: The War on Hacking

March 11, 2016

If 2015 was the “year of the hack,” what will 2016 mean for cybersecurity? Will Congress’s hastily-passed cyber bill (CISA) do anything to stop the...