Recent Posts
#83: Europe’s War on Google
News broke yesterday that Google will soon face a 3 billion euro fine from the European Commission after 6 years of antitrust investigations from EU...
#82: Tech Policy in Europe
The European Union (EU) is an interesting case for tech policy. While individual member states get direction from Brussels, where the EU is headquartered, they...
#81: How Stuff Works: Software-Defined Networking 101
The Internet is getting smarter. And as the way we use the Internet is changing, the way we manage its traffic must change too. Evan...
#79: Uber Shuts Down in Austin, TX
Uber and Lyft have ceased operations in Austin, TX following a failed vote on a referendum to overturn regulations adopted in December by the city...
#80: FCC Comm’r Ajit Pai Dissents on Charter-TWC Merger
FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai joins the show to discuss his dissenting vote in the FCC’s approval of the Charter-Time Warner merger. Late last month, the...
#77: Facebook Bias? The Right Over-Reacts
Is Facebook biased against conservatives? Gizmodo ran a story today based on interviews with former contractors for Facebook, who “curated” the otherwise-machine-generated “Trending Topics” next to the...