Recent Posts

#83: Europe’s War on Google

May 17, 2016

News broke yesterday that Google will soon face a 3 billion euro fine from the European Commission after 6 years of antitrust investigations from EU...

#82: Tech Policy in Europe

May 16, 2016

The European Union (EU) is an interesting case for tech policy. While individual member states get direction from Brussels, where the EU is headquartered, they...

#81: How Stuff Works: Software-Defined Networking 101

May 13, 2016

The Internet is getting smarter. And as the way we use the Internet is changing, the way we manage its traffic must change too. Evan...

#79: Uber Shuts Down in Austin, TX

May 12, 2016

Uber and Lyft have ceased operations in Austin, TX following a failed vote on a referendum to overturn regulations adopted in December by the city...

#80: FCC Comm’r Ajit Pai Dissents on Charter-TWC Merger

May 12, 2016

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai joins the show to discuss his dissenting vote in the FCC’s approval of the Charter-Time Warner merger. Late last month, the...

#77: Facebook Bias? The Right Over-Reacts

May 10, 2016

Is Facebook biased against conservatives? Gizmodo ran a story today based on interviews with former contractors for Facebook, who “curated” the otherwise-machine-generated “Trending Topics” next to the...