Recent Posts

#76: Little Rock’s Taxi Monopoly is on Trial

May 9, 2016

monopolies have clashed with ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft across the country. But what happens when the clash is between two taxi companies? Ken...

#75: War on Drug Phones

May 5, 2016

Has the War on Drugs become a war on phones? The Apple v. FBI saga made encryption a household issue, but while that case focused...

If Netflix’s New Data-Use Tool Is Good, Why Ban ISPs from Offering the Same?

May 5, 2016

Double Standard Protects Netflix from Competition WASHINGTON, D.C. —­­  Today, Netflix announced a new tool that will allow users to adjust the quality of the...

#74: The Role of Phone Companies in Surveillance

May 4, 2016

What role should telephone and other technology companies play in national security and surveillance? Who should be in charge of collecting and storing data about...

#73: On Amazon’s Design, Gov’t Knows Best

May 3, 2016

You may have seen this story in the news: a child runs up thousands of dollars worth of purchases on her parent’s Apple, Google, or...

VENUE Act Would Curb Abuse of Patent Lawsuit Loophole

May 3, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. —­­ Today, TechFreedom joined several civil society groups in urging Senate Judiciary to support the VENUE Act, which would restrict venue shopping in...