Recent Posts
#108: Microsoft Beats Justice Department in Ireland
Can a US warrant compel Microsoft to give the Justice Department customer data stored in Ireland? The Obama administration thought so, but last week, the...
Supreme Court Must Fix Lower Court’s Error on Plane-sharing
WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, TechFreedom and the Cato Institute filed an amicus brief in support of FlyteNow’s suit against the FAA’s ruling that forced the...
Verizon’s Yahoo Buyout Shows FCC Broadband Privacy Blunder
WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, Verizon announced that it has agreed to acquire Yahoo for $4.8 billion. Yahoo’s main benefit for Verizon would be as a...
#107: Digital Free Speech (w/ FEC Commissioner Lee Goodman)
Political speech has flourished on the Internet, thanks in large part to the First Amendment and a lack of regulation from the Federal Elections Commission...
TechFreedom Joins Engage Cuba Coalition, Urges End to Embargo
WASHINGTON D.C. — TechFreedom has joined Engage Cuba, a coalition of companies, trade associations and civil society organizations working to end the travel and trade...
#106: GOP Tech Platform: The Good, Bad, the Vague
While Trump hasn’t said much specifically about tech policy, the GOP platform does, believe it or not, have a tech section. There’s plenty to like, plenty to...