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FCC’s Win Portends More Litigation, Sweeping FCC Powers over Internet

June 14, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. —­­  Today, after two prior losses in court, the FCC finally convinced a court to bless its claims of vast authority over the...

TechFreedom Launches Europocrisy Prize

June 13, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. —­­ European regulators are cracking down on how U.S. companies use data about Europeans — supposedly to protect Europeans from U.S. government surveillance....

#94: Email Privacy in an Emergency

June 9, 2016

Email privacy reform passed unanimously in the House, but the Email Privacy Act has hit a snag in the Senate. Though the bill’s core mission...

Congress Needs Its Say on Internet Governance Transition

June 8, 2016

Bill Would Promote Greater Transparency, Accountability & Allow Resolution of Legal Problems WASHINGTON D.C. —­­  Today, Sen. Ted Cruz, along with co-sponsors Sens. Mike Lee...

#93: Activism, or Slacktivism?

June 7, 2016

Digital activism is often little more than trending hashtags and caps-locked arguments that devolve into Hitler comparisons, but a new company is hoping to take...

Moon Express Reveals Need for Space Law

June 6, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. —­­  The FAA appears “poised to make history by approving the first private space mission to go beyond Earth’s orbit,” according to the...