Recent Posts

#117: FBI Spying on Journalists

August 22, 2016

What happens when the FBI wants to spy on journalists? This summer, The Intercept obtained classified rules revealing a largely unrestrained procedure for obtaining journalists’ call information using national...

#116: Digital Free Speech Part 2 with FEC Commissioner Lee Goodman

August 19, 2016

The Federal Election Commission has long taken a light-touch approach to regulating online speech. But two recent cases involving livestreaming and filming political debate resulted...

#115: Brexit and Tech

August 18, 2016

This summer, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Most of the fallout focused on the stock market and value of the pound,...

NTIA Violates Federal Law with IANA Transition

August 16, 2016

WASHINGTON — Today, the NTIA announced that it would violate federal law by allowing the contract between the U.S. government and the Internet Corporation for...

#114: The Internet of Cars

August 15, 2016

Cars these days often come with mobile data connections and entertainment systems. But as we move toward autonomous vehicles and car-to-car communications, the “Internet of...

#113: Wikipedia for Data

August 12, 2016

Most people are familiar with Wikipedia, but there’s a lot more to “open data” than the convenience of checking how tall your favorite Olympic athlete...