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SESTA Hasn’t Been Fixed, Would Hurt Victims

November 8, 2017

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee approved a manager’s amendment to Sen. Rob Portman’s (R-OH) Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act...

#203: Super Math-io? What We Learn From Video Games

November 6, 2017

Video games have presented a challenge for parents since their advent. “Get off the couch and play outside!” or “Read a book!” are phrases the...

#202: Artificial Intelligence

October 30, 2017

Artificial intelligence is already transforming our lives in many ways, and it has the potential to do so much more. But it seems like news...

FCC to Update Media Ownership Regulations in November

October 27, 2017

WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai released a draft order that would modernize regulations governing ownership of local print, radio and TV news...

Ambitious Surveillance Reform Bill Introduced in Senate

October 24, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced key legislation aimed at protecting American citizens whose data is gathered inadvertently...

#201: Who Owns the Media?

October 23, 2017

In 1975, “media” essentially meant television, radio, and newspapers. Obviously, today’s market looks way different thanks to the Internet and other developments. We have cable...