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The Future of Internet Regulation

November 22, 2017

Today we discuss the end of net neutrality….or do we? Under the leadership of Chairman Ajit Pai, the FCC is set to undo broad claims...

FCC to Roll Back 2010 & 2015 Power Grabs

November 21, 2017

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed released this morning, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai previewed the draft order which the Commission will release tomorrow, allowing the...

DOJ Sues to Block AT&T Time Warner Merger

November 20, 2017

Today, the Department of Justice sued to block AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner, Inc (TWI). Spun off in 2009 from Time Warner Cable, TWI is...

Digital Learning: Future or a Flunk?

November 13, 2017

While many classrooms have iPads and children rely on the Internet to do their homework, in many ways education is still an analog experience.  Are...

SESTA Hasn’t Been Fixed, Would Hurt Victims

November 8, 2017

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee approved a manager’s amendment to Sen. Rob Portman’s (R-OH) Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act...

#203: Super Math-io? What We Learn From Video Games

November 6, 2017

Video games have presented a challenge for parents since their advent. “Get off the couch and play outside!” or “Read a book!” are phrases the...