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What is Cybersecurity, and How Can it Affect the Winter Olympics?

February 15, 2018

The world in 2018 is interconnected. Cybersecurity threats are widespread — even at the 2018 Winter Olympics. As we recorded this episode in January, our...

Protecting Net Neutrality Requires New Legislation, Not CRA

February 9, 2018

WASHINGTON D.C. —­­ On Wednesday, Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO), said he would not support the current attempt to use the Congressional Review Act to reinstate...

The Nunes Memo and FISA Explained

February 7, 2018

The controversial memo prepared by Rep. Nunes (R-CA) hasn’t left the newscycle since its release on February 2. Berin recorded this special episode from the Bay Area...

The Net Neutrality CRA: Yay or Nay?

February 7, 2018

The effort to overturn FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order already has 50 Senators signed onto the Congressional Review Act – a vehicle chosen by Senate...

TrumpNet: The Worst Idea in the History of the Internet

January 29, 2018

Yesterday, Axios published a leaked memo prepared by a “senior National Security Council official” proposing that the U.S. should “conduct a moonshot with secure 5G...

Information Intermediaries in a Nutshell

January 29, 2018

Recently Facebook has unveiled multiple planned changes to its newsfeed. Now we will see more content from our friends and fewer posts from news sites...