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Testimony on the FCC’s Net Neutrality Report & Order

February 15, 2011

Larry Downes, a TechFreedom Senior Adjunct Fellow and author of Unleashing the Killer App and other bestselling books about the Internet, will testify today on...

Statement of Concern about Expansion of CALEA Has Broad Support

February 14, 2011

A Statement of Concern about Expansion of CALEA (embedded below) has been issued with the support of a wide range of industry groups and public-interest advocates. (CALEA...

Rep. Speier’s “Do Not Track” Privacy Legislation

February 11, 2011

Rep. Jackie Speier introduced legislation today that would require the Federal Trade Commission to establish standards for a “Do Not Track” mechanism and require online data...

Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Bill Will Return

February 5, 2011

“No amount of tightening of what constitutes ‘critical infrastructure’ will prevent abuse without meaningful judicial review,” says Berin Szoka, an analyst at the free-market  TechFreedom...

Doing Nothing to Save the Internet

January 31, 2011

My essay last week for (the title I proposed is above, but it must have been too “punny” for the editors) generated a lot of...

Photos from Next Digital Decade Launch Event

January 26, 2011

Here’s an album of photos from the Next Digital Decade