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GWU Law CYLSA Panel Discussion on AT&T/T-Mobile Merger

October 19, 2011

Nov. 1, 2011 – 6:00pm to 7:30pm This Panel Discussion on the AT&T/T-Mobile Merger was hosted by the George Washington University School of Law Cyberlaw...

FTC Punishes P2P Company for Unfairly Tricking Users to Share Private Data

October 11, 2011

While policymakers rush write new Net regulations to protect privacy, we  keep suggesting  the FTC use its existing authority more effectively to punish unfair and...

REMINDER: TechFreedom/FOSI COPPA Event in DC & Livestreamed Tomorrow (10/12)

October 11, 2011

Just a reminder—TechFreedom, in association with the Family Online Safety Institute  (FOSI), will host a free lunch panel tomorrow with a number of leading experts...

Sign the Petition Urging Congress to Update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986

October 7, 2011

TechFreedom has joined with a wide coalition of organizations to draft a petition urging Congress to update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), which has...

Public Interest Groups Across Spectrum Oppose Net Neutrality Regulation

October 7, 2011

Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal’s story on the legal challenge to Net Neutrality regulation opens as follows: Efforts by public interest groups to get a legal...

Copyright, Done Right: Warrantless Factory Searches Aren’t the Right Way to Stop DVD Piracy

October 4, 2011

California police will now be able to conduct warrantless searches of optical disc (DVD, CD, BluRay) factories to look for piracy and seize pirated discs,...