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Supreme Court Allows FCC to Continue Broadcast Censorship

June 21, 2012

The United States Supreme Court today unanimously held FCC’s indecency standards were unconstitutionally vague under the Fifth Amendment. But in Federal Communication Commission v Fox...

UMG-EMI Deal Is No Threat To Innovation In Music Distribution

June 20, 2012

Everyone loves to hate record labels. For years, copyright-bashers have ranted about the “Big Labels” trying to thwart new models for distributing music in terms...

Antitrust, not Net Neutrality, Should Govern Online Video Competition

June 13, 2012

The Wall Street Journal reports that “The Justice Department is conducting a wide-ranging antitrust investigation into whether cable companies are acting improperly to quash nascent...

TechFreedom Joins Coalition Letter Urging Approval of SpectrumCo Deal

June 12, 2012

Late last week, TechFreedom President Berin Szoka signed onto a coalition letter [ pdf ] with 14 other free-market organizations, including the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the...

FTC Privacy Goals Could Test Limits Of Agency’s Authority

June 8, 2012

TechFreedom President Berin Szoka was recently cited in BNA on the final  FTC Privacy Report . As he explains, the commission has argued that the...

Antitrust Groundhog Day, Starring Senator Kohl

May 24, 2012

Today, Geoffrey Manne , Executive Director of the International Center for Law & Economics, TechFreedom Senior Adjunct Fellow, and Lecturer in Law at Lewis &...