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Why the W3C’s “Do Not Track” Working Group is falling apart

September 17, 2013

The Digital Advertising Alliance explains why it’s quitting the Tracking Protection Working Group: Despite extension after extension of its charter year after year by the...

Why can’t we have a rational debate about Net Neutrality?

September 17, 2013

Things like this, from Free Press… Verizon wants to change that structure by setting up tolls in both directions — blocking certain websites or charging...

TechFreedom Hits the Airwaves

September 17, 2013

Tomorrow at 9am EST, Berin Szoka and Geoff Manne will appear on WCPN’s The Sound of Ideas to talk broadband. They’ll be joined by law...

PCWorld Covers Our LabMD Data Security Event

September 13, 2013

Yesterday, PCWorld published an article on our 9/12 data security event co-hosted with Cause of Action: …The FTC should back away from authority it says...

Net Neutrality Oral Argument Recap Panel Video

September 12, 2013

Our panel of legal experts recapped the oral arguments that took place earlier Monday morning at the D.C. Circuit, assessed how the court might decide...

Truthout Quotes Us on Net Neutrality

September 11, 2013

…in court, the FCC all but conceded that big internet providers could charge web companies for preferential “fast lanes” to reach consumers at higher speeds....