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FDA Bans 23andMe’s DNA Testing Kits, TechFreedom Fights Back with 23andUs Petition

November 26, 2013

With its $99 home-test kit, 23andMe has brought the genomics revolution to countless Americans at prices that would have been unimaginable just a few years...

State Lawmakers Again Trying to Justify Video Game Censorship: Berin Szoka in HuffPo

November 19, 2013

Still smarting from their blow-out loss at the Supreme Court two years ago, state legislators are laying the groundwork for a new push to censor...

Google Transparency Report Reveals More Demands for Data, Less Judicial Oversight

November 15, 2013

Yesterday, Google released its Transparency Report confirming what we already assumed: the government is demanding more personal data and using fewer formal requests. Since 2009, requests for Google...

Bush’s Commerce Secretary blasts NSA spying as hurting US IP owners worldwide

November 8, 2013

This morning, at the Chamber of Commerce’s Global IP Summit, Carlos Gutierrez warned that U.S. companies trying to enforce their copyrights, patents and trademarks in countries...

FCC Has No Basis for Setting Arbitrary E-Rate Broadband Speed Goals

November 8, 2013

Today, TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics filed Reply Comments on the Federal Communications Commission’s proposal to modernize the E-Rate Program, created...

This November 5, the “V for Vendetta” surveillance state seems more real than ever

November 5, 2013

V for Vendetta depicted a world of total surveillance. Government agents roamed the streets in spy vans, listening in on everyone from average citizens to the...